Historic McBean Stadium
61 McBean Park Drive
Lincoln, CA 95648
Opening Night-Strikeout Cancer-Rally Towel Giveaway by Fiddyment Farms-Fireworks-Gates @ 5pm
Pick your desired game then get your General Admission or Reserve Seat ticket that is valid for the Bleachers, Grass Berm, Pavilion(200-203), or Stadium Reserve(100-109). Come join in the fun at Historic McBean Stadium! Section 200 Row K has chainlink fence as the seat-back - no chair-back. Section 203 seat-backs end with Row G. All Reserve Section seat numbers read left to right if you were standing on the field level. ADA SEATS IN SECTION 100 B 1, 104 B 10, 105 B 1, 109 B 10, 200 and 203 ADA 3-4, 7-8, 11-12 ARE MEANT FOR WHEELCHAIRS ONLY.
Be a season ticket holder for the premier weekend games Friday, Saturday, Sunday and one Monday. Includes ALL fireworks nights, giveaways, theme nights, and more! Total savings of up to $40 on both General Admission sections! No reserve seating available. Potential playoff games included if Potters Host.
Guaranteed admission to ALL five fireworks nights and Saturday July 19 Christmas in July. Up to $10 in savings for the best 6 games of the summer!