Historic McBean Stadium
61 McBean Park Drive
Lincoln, CA 95648
Salute 2 Service by Jiffy Lube - Human Trafficking Awareness - Slice Sunday - Gates @ 12 noon
Pick your desired game then get your General Admission or Reserve Seat ticket that is valid for the Bleachers, Grass Berm, Pavilion(200-203), or Stadium Reserve(100-109). Come join in the fun at Historic McBean Stadium! Section 200 Row K has chainlink fence as the seat-back - no chair-back. Section 203 seat-backs end with Row G. All Reserve Section seat numbers read left to right if you were standing on the field level. ADA SEATS IN SECTION 100 B 1, 104 B 10, 105 B 1, 109 B 10, 200 and 203 ADA 3-4, 7-8, 11-12 ARE MEANT FOR WHEELCHAIRS ONLY.
Be a season ticket holder for the premier weekend games Friday, Saturday, Sunday and one Monday. Includes ALL fireworks nights, giveaways, theme nights, and more! Total savings of up to $40 on both General Admission sections! No reserve seating available. Potential playoff games included if Potters Host.